We Can Address Dizziness Symptoms After Auto Accidents
If you are riding a merry-go-round with your kids or spinning around during a dance, you may expect a brief bout of dizziness. It always goes away rather quickly. But dizziness becomes nightmarish if it persists longer than a few seconds. However, that could be the case for victims of car crashes. In addition to various physical injuries, you could suffer from a brain injury that strips you of your sense of balance and leaves you feeling lightheaded and nauseous. It is important to seek treatment for a concussion in such a situation, but long-term chiropractic treatment may also be necessary. The team at Boston Chiropractic Spine & Injury Center has been treating victims of auto accidents for years, and we can help relieve you of your dizziness with proven techniques at our facility in Boston, MA. Call us today to learn more.
Dizziness Is Common Following Auto Accidents
Brain and whiplash injuries commonly result in dizziness following an automobile accident. When you are involved in a wreck, the force of impact combined with your safety belt’s restraint will cause your neck and head to jar forward and rattle your brain. This can have both short- and long-term effects. In the immediate aftermath, you may experience stiffness and pain, but once that subsides, you may notice trouble with your coordination and spatial awareness. These symptoms may be due to sprains and strains in your neck or spine that disrupt your brain’s ability to control your balance. The most common causes of dizziness after a car crash are:
Cervicogenic Dizziness
This is the result of a neck injury that damages the nerves on which you rely to maintain balance.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
BPPV usually occurs after your head’s violent movement, which causes inner ear injuries that confuse your postural control system.
Vascular Damage
If the blood vessels in your neck are damaged, they may restrict blood flow to your brain and cause dizziness.
Brain Injury
Brain injuries require immediate medical attention and may lead to confusion, memory loss, and dizziness.

Chiropractic Care Can Minimize Your Dizziness Symptoms
Because several varieties of dizziness that result from automobile accidents are related to nerve, spine, and brain function, chiropractic care is a leading course of treatment to help you regain your balance. Our chiropractors can use spinal adjustments to align your vertebrae and ensure your brain receives accurate information from your central nervous system (CNS). We can also manipulate your nerves and muscles to increase blood flow and circulation, thus helping to repair the vascular damage that is keeping you off-kilter. Regardless of the reason for your dizziness, we will tailor a chiropractic treatment plan to address the cause and symptoms.
Contact Us to Treat Your Dizziness Today
All-day dizziness is not something that anyone should have to tolerate. It can lead to irritability, nausea, and even further injuries. But victims of violent auto accidents may suffer these symptoms. Boston Chiropractic Spine & Injury Center wants to ensure the problems do not persist, though. Our experts can perform customized chiropractic treatments to restore your balance, control, and spatial awareness.